Families and Children 0-11

“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done...  Then they would put their trust in God.”  

(Psalm 78:4, 7a)

 Families come in all sizes and configurations, and everybody is welcome.  Please join us for our 11.00am Morning Service with Sunday JAM groups, crèche, and a group for adults with additional needs.

  • Strawberry Crèche:  Ages 0 to 2.5 years old

  • Plum:  Preschool & Reception age

  • Apricot:  School years 1 and 2

  • Blackberry:  School years 3 and 4

  • Mulberry:  School years 5 and 6

  • Adult with additional needs group

We have a dedicated team of over 30 volunteers (all with DBS checks) that teach the children in small group settings every Sunday.  We have age-appropriate Bible lessons, following the adult teaching series and we plan craft activities, drama, and games to help re-enforce the main teaching points.  Our role is to provide key support to our parents, as we teach the younger generation.  We also have termly All-Age Services and Families Together - a café style service for children with parents helping their youngsters to dig into the Bible.

In addition to the Sunday programme, we also run monthly Friday socials for the Y3-Y6 children, and we have a Junior Zoom home group for Y5-6 called Waffle!

Children and Adults with Additional Needs:  We are keen to support children and adults with additional educational or physical needs.  In the past we have provide one-to-one support when needed.  We currently have a group of adults with educational and physical needs that join us weekly.

If you have any questions, please do contact Jo Vickers 

If you would like to register your child or children in one of our groups it is important that you firstly complete the form below (Stay in touch) so that we have your details. If you then tick the option “I would like to sign up my child for JAM/Youth work” further instructions with then pop up for how to do this.