Pastoral care is an important part of the work of Burford Parish Church and is at the hub of the Church's purpose.
We offer a Christian dimension to help people going through different experiences. Through times of joy or sadness, such as birth, marriage, bereavement and illness we are here to provide support and assistance.
If there is a need of this sort, a team of clergy and lay members can be contacted; we can visit, talk and pray with anyone who would like this. Please contact the Rev'd Cedric Reavley 01993 823957
Signpost during term times, Wednesday 10am - 12pm
Signpost during term times, Wednesday 10am - 12pm 〰️
Signpost is up and running each Wednesday 10am-12pm in the Gauntlett Room, Warwick Hall. Please spread the word to any neighbours or friends locally who would value a confidential, listening ear and, perhaps, appropriate practical help or signposting to professionals and organisations who can assist with helping solve their problems. This is open to the whole Benefice so do drop-in, no booking required!