Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1
Music plays a central role in many aspects of the church life.
Our congregation enjoys a wide range of music at the various services, ranging from the traditional to the very contemporary, the formal to the much more informal. The music group, made up of members of the congregation, supports worship at morning services.
For more information about getting involved in the musical life of our church, contact the Church Office.
The 9.30 Monthly Parish Choir
A four-part choir contributes to leading 9.30 Matins on the second Sunday monthly, singing an introit, and leading the congregation in singing psalms and canticles. Singers rehearse on Saturday mornings for an hour and a half, and for a shorter time just before the service. Rehearsals are informal and collaborative – we all have insights to share which benefit the choir as a whole. It helps if you can sight-read, but a joy in singing is what really matters.
The Choir also sings, on invitation, at other festival and occasional services, for instance at Easter, Advent and Christmas, weddings, and for the Civic Carol Service.
The Choir is greatly blessed by the expansion of its numbers at Christmas, when many returning University students, and extended family members of our congregation join us.
Music Group
The music group lead the sung worship at the 11am service and make use of a wide range of instruments, from the organ and keyboard to a variety of wind and string instruments, guitars and drums. The group is made up of church members of all ages and if you would like to join the group, please contact the Church Office.
Bell Ringing
The peal of bells from Burford church is much loved by the community and visitors alike. Our church boasts 8 bells: the tenor weighs 17cwt and, dating from the middle of the 14th Century, is one of the oldest bells in the country still rung to changes. Unusually, most of the bells were actually cast in Burford, where foundries operated from the 17th to the 20th Centuries.
Service Ringing:
Usually at 10.15am for 11.00am Service.
Practice Night:
Fridays 19:30 - 21:00.
As the above times may be subject to variation. Please check with Nigel Harrison (01993) 823418.