Pre-Reformation stained glass in the church can be found in the west window of the nave, the east window of the chancel, and most notably the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. The latter window includes the head of St James of Compostela with a pilgrim's shell on his hat and a lady wearing a "butterfly" head dress.
Many of the windows in the church are the work of CE Kempe, whose work is now widely admired. These include the window above the West Door and those in the North aisle. The Friends of Burford Church is a corporate foundation member of the Kempe Society and his association with the church in Burford lasted for 35 years.
The Whall window, situated in the South Transept, was completed in 1907 to commemorate the lives of John Leggare, John Noble and John Meade Faulkner - all of whom were deeply committed to the preservation of the church building. The window was, designed by Christopher Whall, an arts and crafts artist known for his jewel-like colours and depicts the Revelation of St John and the New Jerusalem.